Before I get into the actual plot of Home Alone 2, let's take a look at the story lines for the first two Home Alone movies.
Story line in black, Home Alone in blue, Home Alone 2 in red:
Boy:Kevin McCallister,Kevin McCallister
Loses parents:Left at home,Got on wrong plane
Two dumb criminals:Marv and Harry,Marv and Harry
Older person who boy befriends:Marley:neighbor,Pigeon Lady
Boy's amazing resourcefulness:Rigs house,Rigs Uncle’s house
New friend saves day:Marley hits criminals with shovel,Pigeon Lady throws seed
Boy's reunion with family: Mom comes through front door,Family comes to NYC
The story lines are quite similar, but I guess if I wrote a movie that grossed over $264 million the first time around I probably wouldn't change too much of the story either.
What I love most about this movie is the sheer incompetence of everyone involved. A boy gets on a different plane than his parents- okay I can buy it. But that same boy navigates his way through New York City and is able to book a hotel?- okay fine I can still buy it. One thing I'm not buying is Macaulay Culkin's ability to come up with these elaborate lies, then have Tim Curry, Rob Schneider and the rest of the staff believe him. I can't knock on it too much because I find myself still laughing at this scene every time I watch- is it possible for a group of adults to be this dumb? I hope so.
My favorite thing to do when watching this movie is count the times Harry and Marv would have died if these things actually happened to them. I always seem to lose count somewhere around nine. Marv gets hit in the face four separate times by bricks tossed from a three-story building. Don't worry, he's still good to go.
But the best scene involving Marv and certain death situations has to be when he tries to wash his face off. Daniel Stern can really hit those high notes.
Is it bad that I find myself laughing as I watch those clips? Probably.
The best relationship in cinematic history may be Kevin's sudden friendship with the Pigeon Lady. She is incredibly creepy, yet also a person you would like to catch a movie with. I'm not quite sure how she lives inside Carnegie Hall without anyone knowing, but I'm not asking questions there. Of course, Kevin can see through her odd lifestyle and most likely her hair-raising odor, and just accept her for the good person she is. Every 11-year-old should talk to more strangers!
This movie may be more absurd the more I look into it, but it also ages like a fine wine. With comedy like this how could anyone find Home Alone 2 anything less than genius.
I love the sarcasm you include in your writing. It shows that you are comfortable enough in your writing to really let your voice shine through. Its so funny watching movies at this age and thinking back to how much we really didn't understand what was going on when we were younger. Home Alone to me is so different now than it was in 1993. Great post.
ReplyDeleteEverything that happens in Home Alone 2 is totally plausible. You mean to tell me if you got hit in the face by a brick multiple times as well as getting tools dropped on your head and electrocuted, you wouldn't be up and walking around like normal? I mean that happened to me just the other day after a few drinks and I'm fine.
ReplyDeleteI must say I enjoyed the original Home Alone more. Anyone else notice the pigeon lady is also the lady who runs the foster house in Angels in the Outfield? Another great movie.