This the type of deep and meaningful dialogue that can only be found in a movie with very intricate characters. The type of people who each have their own set of unique fun-l

The Little Giants are your classic underdog story, but with a unique twist of its own. Instead of just having a lowly ragtag bunch of boys playing a group of mean, highly talented machine-children like in most kid's movies, this movie has a different component. One of the lowly ragtag boys isn't a boy at all...she's a girl. WHOA! A revolutionary idea portrayed beautifully on the screen for the first time in the history of civilization. This movie is widely regarded as a trail blazer for numerous movies that followed in its footsteps, including all seven Saw movies, American Pie Presents Band Camp, The Lizzie Mcguire Movie and Midnight Cowboy. Please do not quote me on that list.
Becky "Icebox" O'Shea. Quite possibly the coolest nickname ever. I've always wondered how that name came to be, but I guess some things don't an explanation. The Icebox is the daughter of Danny O'Shea who was recently released from prison after serving time for endangering the welfare of his children by shrinking them. He says it was an accident, but I'm not buying it. Danny's older brother Kevin is a football/car salesman legend in town and also coaches a peewee football team: The Cowboys. When Kevin cuts the Icebox during Cowboys' tryouts because she is a girl, Danny starts his own team and recruits the kids from town who didn't make the Cowboys and/or have learning disabilities.
The two brothers have a sibling rivalry and challenge each other to a game in a couple of weeks. Luckily for Danny, Junior Floyd moves to town and joins the Giants. Junior is a quarterback extraordinaire and looks like a shooting star wrapped in heaven. If Zack Morris and Joe Camel (circa 1992) had a baby he would not be as cool or good looking as Junior Floyd.
But then a new kid moves into town, who makes Junior Floyd look like confused elderly man waiting for the bus. Spike is the stereotypical football jock and looks like he is older than most of the adults in tow

When the big game is finally upon us, the Icebox decides she's not playing because she wants to be ladylike and impress Junior. Luckily, Danny gives an inspirational speech to get the Giants pumped to play. Spike takes an incredibly illegal cheap shot that knocks Junior out of the game, which enrages the Icebox. She plays the rest of the game in a skirt.
The Giants proceed to score several outlandish touchdowns, including my personal favorite. It's like Johnny was dipped in baby oil and has some sort of force field around him.
And if you didn't see it coming, the Giants pull off the upset of the afternoon by running The Annexation of Puerto Rico for the winning touchdown. Go Giants!
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